Monday 25 April 2016


Arnaldo Otegi  is a Basque politician, who, in February 2013, was elected as Secretary General of abertzale Basque separatist party Sortu. He has been a member of the Basque Parliament for both Herri Batasuna and Euskal Herritarrok. These two parties and Batasuna were banned in 2003 for having links to Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA) which is proscribed as a terrorist group.
 Beñat: Where were you born? Arnaldo: I was born in Elgoibar the 6 of July 1958.

 Beñat: What social relationships did you have where you were young? Arnaldo: I was a normal boy, that likes football and goes to the school, also I had good friends and they also have the same ideas like me.

 Beñat: What did you study? Arnaldo: I studied philosophy and literature.

 Beñat: Why did you take the political way in your live? Arnaldo: Since childhood, I was interested of the Basque politic and when I was so young I was a militant of the "ezker abertzalea".

 Beñat: Have you ever thought of leaving your fight? Arnaldo: Is a good question. Is true that I had some doubts but referring the strategies and that type of thing, but I never thought to leave the fight.

 Beñat: What expectations do you have for the future? Arnaldo: I think that the things are going improving.

 Beñat: What do you think about what ‘s happening in Catalunya? Arnaldo: I think that it's very interesting and I think they would get their objective, and this also is a reference to the Basque Country.
 Beñat: You can tell us something about what you thought in jail? Arnaldo: You will go seen during this year, but I assure you that six years in the jail is a lot to think.

 Beñat: Do you think that the independence of the Basque Country is impossible? Arnaldo: Yes I think it, and I think also that to the year 2050 Basque Country will be independent.

 Beñat: Do you think about the use of euskara in the Basque Country is high or low? Arnaldo: I think that is low, but comparing the past is increasing a lot.

This intervew is FALSE, is a work for the school.

Monday 4 April 2016

Hi in this occasion I bring you a mind map about the deep web. I chose this topic because it seemed interesting to me.

I chose this topic because it seemed interesting to me