Wednesday 18 November 2015

 Hi in this text I am going to speak yo abaut John Sulton.
John sultson is one of the winners of   the nobel prize of physiology and medicine of the 2003.
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2002 was awarded jointly to Sydney Brenner, H. Robert Horvitz and John E. Sulston "for their discoveries concerning genetic regulation of organ development and programmed cell death'". I chose John Sulton because hes face seens familiar to me.
Resultado de imagen de john sulstonSulston was born in Cambridge to parents The Reverend Canon Arthur Edward Aubrey Sulston and Josephine Muriel Frearson (née Blocksidge). His father was an Anglican priest and administrator of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. An English teacher at Watford Grammar School, his mother quit her job to care for him and his sister Madeleine.His mother home-tutored them until he was five. At age five he entered the local preparatory school (York House School, Redheath)where he soon developed aversion to games. He instead developed an early interest in science, having fun with dissecting animals and sectioning plants to observe their structure and function. Sulston won a scholarship to Merchant Taylors' School, Northwoodand then to Pembroke College, Cambridge graduating in 1963 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Natural Sciences (Chemistry). He joined the Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge, after being interviewed by Alexander Todd and was awarded hisPhD in 1966 for research in nucleotide chemistry.

John Sulston met Daphne Bate, a fellow research student in Cambridge. They got married in 1966 just before they left for US for postdoctoral research. Together they have two children. The first child Ingrid was born in La Jolla in 1967, Adrian later in England.
Although brought up in a Christian family, Sulston lost his faith during his student life at Cambridge, and remains an atheist. He is a distinguished supporter of the British Humanist Association. In 2003 he was one of 22 Nobel Laureates who signed the Humanist Manifesto.
Sulston is in favour of free public access of scientific information. He wants genome information freely available, and he has described as "totally immoral and disgusting" the idea of profiteering from such research. He also wants to change patent law, and argues that restrictions on drugs such as the anti-viral drug Tamiflu by Roche are a hindrance to patients whose lives are dependent on them.
Sulston provided bail sureties for Julian Assange, according to Mark Stephens, Julian's solicitor Having backed Julian Assange by pledging bail in December 2010, he lost the money in June 2012 when a judge ordered it to be forfeited, as Assange had sought to escape the jurisdiction of the English courts by entering the embassy of Ecuador.

Sunday 1 November 2015

Hi people in this text I am going to speak about the social web sites ,the advantages that have and the disadvantages.

This websites have a lot of advantages like get new friends, speak with your friends when you are at home also it can be a leisure in your free time because they can be very entertaining.
Also they have a lot of negative aspects like the addiction, tey can be very addicted an you invert so much time in them, they are a time wasters also they can be dangerous because people can manipulate you , take your photos and broke your privacy, a lot of people suffer cyber bulling.

People don`t understand the difference between a real friend and a friend that you have in the social web sites there are big differences like, with a real friend you can trust but on the other hand with a friend that you have in a socilweb site the trust is lower, also with a cyber friend you can`t have a real conversation unlike with a real friend.

all the things seems that they have a hig security but everything is upload and all the imformation get accessible to eny person that have internet.

If I could do somethimg to change the conditions of this social web sites I would reform the security of ths social websites, put more controll in the cyber bulling cases and put punishments to the people that don`t respect the other users and the ruls.

Friday 2 October 2015

Now a days we have a very big problem that is enlarging day to day, this is the global warming. This is because of the pollution of this society, that use a lot of cars, we don`t use so much renewable energy and also because we don`t recycle enough.

The global warming effects are very hard, lot of species will be disappear, the Antarctica could be melted and with this the level of the sea will go up and the ozone layer will be disappear and the sun rays will give to us and the probability to have cancer will be very high.

Also the environment will be very ugly and dry. The rivers will be dry and without water, with this the fishes will be die because the poor quantity of water, or because the pollution of the water.

The most common pollution for us is the urban pollution, the burning of coal and wood in concentrates areas makes a lot of pollution over the cities, this is very common in Japan and in China. This comes with the industrial revolution because of the machinery and the steams. This continue until today.

One of the things that we can do to help the global warming and the pollution is recycling. Recycling is a process to convert waste materials into new products to prevent waste of potentially useful materials, reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials, reduce energy usage, reduce air pollution, and water pollution by reducing the need for "conventional" waste disposal and lower greenhouse gas emissions as compared to plastic production.

Thursday 17 September 2015